Lantek at Blechexpo 2021: The strength of experience

From October 26 to 29 at Blechexpo 2021 in Stuttgart, Lantek, the pioneer in the digital transformation of companies in sheet metal and metalworking, will present the latest features and improvements in its newest software update. Lantek Global Release 2021 highlights the power that 35 years of experience can bring to sheet metal fabrication.

With Global Release 2021, Lantek once again delivers on its promise to provide sheet metal fabricators with the most advanced and flexible software solutions for greater efficiency and profitability with a pathway to digital transformation. The software update marks Lantek’s 35th anniversary and the 25th for its German subsidiary, underlining Lantek’s leadership in the development and distribution of CAD-CAM/MES/ERP solutions.

“35 years is a long time in software development. Throughout the years, we have worked closely with our customers to learn from their processes, specific use cases, workflows, and about their different technologies and machines to ensure that our software meets their needs and moves them forward. We will continue to be a reliable partner to them now and in the future,” said Christoph Lenhard, head of Lantek’s German office. “We are proud of Global Release 2021 and are looking forward to presenting it with all its new features at Blechexpo 2021.”

More in StainlessSteelFocus 10/2021

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